Legal Blog
Read about the latest legal news and information and how these trends may affect you.

8 Questions To Ask After A Car Accident
August 09, 2021
After a car accident, it is important to know what questions to ask any witnesses right away, while the event is still fresh in their memory. Asking these eight car accident questions after a wreck will help you identify the best witnesses to the accident and it helps to reinforce the chain of events in the witness’s...

Florida Car Accident Laws
August 04, 2021
Each state has its own laws and requirements concerning automobile insurance coverage. Many states require drivers to carry policies that will cover the bodily injuries of others in the event the driver is at fault, known as bodily injury (BI) coverage. Florida does not currently require this type of insurance; for now, it is optional coverage. This...

4 Most Common Car Accident Injuries
July 27, 2021
Many factors can contribute to the severity of injuries sustained in a car accident. High speeds can contribute to compression or force experienced. Parts of the vehicle or items inside such as steering wheels, windows, seat belts, and airbags or things flying around the vehicle’s interior can all cause injuries to be more severe...

7 Important Steps to Take After a Florida Car Accident
July 23, 2021
Sometimes car accidents happen no matter how hard we try to be diligent and adhere to traffic rules while on the road. Our cars can fail, leading to accidents. You might get into a car wreck or get involved in an accident with another motorist(s), leaving you...

Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney: 5 Things to Know
April 02, 2021
Searching for an experienced personal injury attorney? Finding a capable attorney to handle your personal injury claim can be challenging, especially if you have never hired a lawyer.
Whether you were injured in an automobile accident, attacked by a dog, or injured in a slip and fall accident, personal injury claims require experience and dedication to maximize the...

Car Accident Injuries: When do They Appear?
March 24, 2021
Being involved in a car accident is a horrific experience that you’ll always remember. Even if the property damage incurred isn’t severe, a car crash can cause lasting physical and emotional harm.
If you were able to get up and walk away from an automobile accident without seeking medical attention, you might just simply believe that you were one of...

Brain Injuries: TBI After a Car Accident
March 22, 2021
Every year, thousands of people suffer from traumatic brain injuries as a result of an automobile accident. The brain is one of the largest and most complex organs in your body and contains several regions that are sensitive and susceptible to injury. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t take a catastrophic accident to cause a brain injury. A sudden...

What to do if You Get in a Car Wreck
March 16, 2021
No doubt, getting into a car accident is stressful and causes imminent fear regardless of who is at fault. After an automobile accident, you might experience a flood of emotions and feel confused about what just happened. However, it’s important not to let the chaos overwhelm you. Being prepared and knowing exactly what to...

Wrongful Death Attorney Fees: What to Know
January 31, 2021
To say that losing a loved one is difficult is an understatement. And losing them as a result of the negligent, careless, reckless, or willful actions of another party makes a tragic situation that much more painful to navigate. Often, we do not have the time to grieve properly, especially if that person was a financial provider.
While our thoughts...

What To Do If You Are In a Bike Accident
January 27, 2021
The death toll for cyclists on American roads continues to increase. With more people than ever taking up this popular hobby, the number of deaths and serious injuries is only going to go up in the future, making the knowledge of what to do after a motorcycle accident absolutely essential.