What Causes Slip and Fall Accidents?
Slip and fall accidents, or trip and fall accidents, can happen as the result of the negligence of others, the injured party or both. When these accidents occur due to someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Here are some of the most common causes of slip and fall accident injuries.
Floor Obstructions
This can include cords running across the floor, torn carpet, or uneven/unlevel floors. If the property owner did not point out any identified hazards and they have not been clearly labeled with signs, the property owner may be liable for the injuries.
Wet or Slippery Surface
When a property owner must mop the floor, they cannot always wait for everyone to leave. Wet floor signs must be used during general cleaning and in the event of a spill. Guests who will potentially encounter a hazard should be notified of the risk.
Raised or Cracked Sidewalks
Just like floor obstructions mentioned above, raised or cracked sidewalks should be made known to guests and warning signs should be posted. The property owner (whether it’s a private owner or the municipality in which the damaged sidewalk exists) may be held liable if someone is injured.
Inadequate Lighting
All areas that guests may access must have proper lighting to ensure they are able to see and avoid hazardous conditions. If guests cannot clearly see where they are going, it makes avoiding an accident difficult if not impossible and increases the property owner’s liability.
Changes in Elevation / Drop Offs
Changes in elevations and retaining wall drop-offs can be quite hazardous and should be clearly marked to warn visitors of the danger. Guests should be protected from ditches, gullies and drop-offs to avoid liability claims against the property owner. Property owners are required to take precautions that should increase relative to the danger of the condition. For example, a sign warning of a shallow ditch or uneven terrain may suffice, but a fence or other barrier may be necessary for more dangerous conditions like a steep gully or retaining wall drop-off. The greater the potential that a guest will not see the hazard in time to prevent an accident, the more precautions the landowner should take.
Weather Conditions
Rain, snow, and ice all have the potential to cause slip and fall accidents to occur. Rainwater should be cleaned up as soon as possible and as often as needed. Snow and ice removal is the responsibility of the property owner and should be handled as soon as accumulation begins.
If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident due to someone else’s negligence, you should contact Casas Law in West Palm Beach. Casas Law will answer your liability questions and case consultations are free if you fill out a consultation form.