Premises Liability: Accidental Florida Gun Deaths
According to the website for the Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence (EFSGV), there are nearly 500 unintentional deaths per year caused by firearms. Read on to find out why they do not call them accidental gun deaths and to learn more about who may be liable for an unintentional death caused by a firearm.
Unintentional Not Accidental
When an accident occurs, it is unintentional, something that happened by chance and was unavoidable. Gun deaths, even when not caused intentionally, are avoidable, according to the EFSGV. These deaths are the direct result of negligence or carelessness by the gun owner.
Who Is at Risk?
While anyone can become a victim of unintentional gun violence, children are especially at risk. Often, the children involved are unaware of the danger these deadly weapons pose.
The Right to Bear Arms
Many United States citizens have the right to own a gun, but gun owners are responsible for ensuring proper handling and storage of the weapon. Gun owners are responsible for the weapon whether they use it or someone else. They are also responsible for ensuring that the weapon is not accessible by a child or another irresponsible party.
Gun Owner Liability
When an accidental gun injury or death occurs in Florida, the weapon’s owner can be held liable for the injury or death. A property owner is legally obligated to keep their property safe for all visitors; this includes properly storing firearms and other weapons to reduce the risk to visitors. This is why gun owners must understand the risks and learn about what they can do to prevent the misuse of their weapons.
Preventing Unintentional Gun Deaths
Preventing unintentional gun deaths starts with educating all citizens about the dangers of firearm misuse. Gun owners should also receive education about properly handling and storing their weapons. Unintentional gun deaths are not accidents, and they are preventable. If you or a loved one has been the victim of an unintentional gun death or injury, contact Casas Law today for a free consultation.