Why You Need a Premise Liability Lawyer
If you own property and a guest is injured while visiting your property, you could be held liable for compensating them. Not only for medical bills, but for lost wages, pain, and suffering. Protecting yourself and your property requires regular maintenance of your property to identify and remove unsafe conditions and to ensure your guests are not injured due to your negligence.
Having a premises liability lawyer that you can speak with should an injury occur, gives you the peace of mind of knowing that if a premises liability claim is made, that you have all of the information you need when you need it.
Premises Liability
A premises liability claim is a lawsuit brought against a property owner by a guest who was injured on their property. The property owner is not always liable just because the accident occurred on their property.
For the property owner to be held liable, the claim has to show that the property owner had a legal duty to protect the guest, was negligent and that their negligence caused the guest’s injuries.
Duty of Care
A property owner has a legal obligation to guests on their property to provide a reasonable duty of care to all invited guests. Uninvited visitors on private property are trespassers and are provided the smallest duty of care according to the law.
A property owner is negligent if an unsafe condition exists on their property that they fail to fix, remove or properly notify guests about. The condition must exist long enough for the property owner to have noticed it while conducting regular property maintenance or be a recurring condition that was foreseeable.
Cause of Injuries
The property owner’s failure to notify guests or solve unsafe conditions must have been the direct cause of the visitor’s injuries. If guests were made aware that the condition existed and the risks associated with the condition, the property owner is not liable for compensating the injured party.
If you own property in the West Palm Beach, Florida area, contact Casas Law today with your premises liability questions. They provide the answers you need when you need them.