Car Accident Injuries: When do They Appear?
March 24, 2021
Being involved in a car accident is a horrific experience that you’ll always remember. Even if the property damage incurred isn’t severe, a car crash can cause lasting physical and emotional harm.
If you were able to get up and walk away from an automobile accident without seeking medical attention, you might just simply believe that you were one of the lucky ones.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, someone is injured every ten seconds in a motor vehicle accident. Medical experts say that injuries from a car accident can manifest over several days after the initial shock of the incident has worn off. Auto accidents account for a substantial amount of injuries annually.
In fact, the Association for Safe International Travel reports that over two million people are injured or disabled in car accidents each year.
Delayed Pain After A Car Accident
If you received medical attention after a car accident and you’ve been given a clean bill of health by an Emergency Room doctor or your private care provider, you might feel as if you’re good to go. However, it is important not to ignore the aches or pains that begin 24-72 hours after the accident. Even if there was minimal property damage, it is still very possible that you sustained injuries that require attention from a medical professional. Oftentimes, minor injuries can become bigger issues if left untreated. Imagine, for example, a carton of eggs. At first glance, the carton may look perfectly fine but at a closer look at the eggs may show they are cracked or broken – despite the undamaged packaging. Here are some common symptoms or delayed pain that you might experience after a car accident:- Headache A persistent headache can be an indication of a neck and head injury, or even worse, a concussion. In some cases, a headache can signify hematoma or blood clotting, which can cause death if an individual doesn’t get medical attention soon enough.
- Numbness If you begin to lose feeling in your hands or arms, it is possible that you are experiencing the after-effects of spinal cord damage in your neck and/or back.
- Intense abdominal pain Persistent and/or intense abdominal pain can indicate internal bleeding, which requires emergency treatment.
- Coordination Difficulty or Personality Changes Traumatic brain injuries after an automobile accident are very common. Concussions and other types of brain injuries, like a contusion or an acquired brain injury, can affect the way the brain translates signals to the body or can cause damage to the brain that may manifest in strange ways, such as personality changes.
- Whiplash Whiplash is one of the most common neck injuries that people suffer in car accidents due to the rapid back and forth movement of the neck that happens when a car forcefully collides with another vehicle. Whiplash is one of those injuries that can show up hours or even days after an accident.