Does My Premise Liability Claim Meet the Requirements?
When an injury accident occurs on someone else’s property, the property owner may owe the injured party compensation. The claim for compensation is called a premises liability claim, as with any legal claim, there are requirements that must be met to establish the claim. This article will discuss what the requirements are so that you can determine whether you are entitled to compensation for your injuries.
Other People’s Property
A property owner has a legal obligation to their guests to take reasonable care of their property and provide a reasonably safe environment. Regular upkeep and maintenance must be performed to maintain the property and identify any risks or hazards as quickly as possible.
Though not all repairs can be made immediately, the owner is expected to notify any guests of risks or hazards they may encounter, posting signs as well when needed. Any repairs or maintenance performed must be completed adequately.
Invited Guests
All visitors who are on the property with permission, whether explicit or implied, are owed this legal obligation. Uninvited guests are trespassers and despite trespassing, they still are owed a duty of care, however not to the extent of invited guests.
A property owner who neglects to properly maintain their property, or fails to notify guests of risks or hazards present, is probably guilty of negligence and liable for compensating the injured party.
The person seeking compensation is responsible for proving that the accident and injury could not have been avoided. If the injured party acted negligently they may not be able to receive full compensation for their injuries.
Casas Law in West Palm Beach Florida wants to be your premises liability lawyer. Get the answers to your premises liability questions or fill out a free case consultation form today and let Casas Law evaluate your premises liability claim.