How to File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Florida?
When the death of a family member is caused by the negligence of another person, it is natural to want compensation for the loss you have suffered. If you are seeking compensation after the wrongful death of a loved one in Florida, it is important to understand how the process works and what steps you will need to take.
Who Is Allowed to File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit in Florida?
A wrongful death lawsuit must be filed by the personal representative of the deceased. If a personal representative is not named in the will, then the court can appoint one. This is the only person allowed to file the suit on behalf of the deceased’s estate. The personal representative will also need to name all of the family members who may receive a portion of the compensation.
Statute of Limitations
The statute of limitations is the length of time the court gives you to file a claim of wrongful death. The statute of limitation for a wrongful death lawsuit in Florida is two years from the death date. Your claim will be denied if your wrongful death lawsuit is not filed within the two-year limit.
Speak With a Florida Wrongful Death Lawyer
A Florida wrongful death lawyer may be able to assist with your wrongful death lawsuit in several ways. From meeting filing deadlines to gathering proof and conducting an investigation, a wrongful death lawyer can assist you through every step of the filing process. Their legal knowledge and courtroom experience could prove invaluable to you and your family.
West Palm Beach Wrongful Death Lawyer
When you want the advice of a West Palm Beach wrongful death lawyer, you should call Casas Law for a free consultation. We can offer you legal guidance based on the specifics of your lawsuit. Contact us to see if we are the right fit to be your West Palm Beach wrongful death lawyer.