How Do Most Motorcycle Crashes Occur?
Motorcycle crashes are always dangerous; they result in the most fatalities of all vehicle crashes. While not all motorcycle fatalities are avoidable, the most commonly reported motorcycle crash scenarios can be avoided. Let’s discuss the four most commonly experienced motorcycle crashes and how they can be avoided.
Head-On Collision
The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reports that 55% of all fatal motorcycle accidents in 2019 occurred when a motorcycle and another vehicle collided. Of all motorcycle versus vehicle accidents that occurred, in 76% of the motorcycles were hit in the front. Head-on collisions are especially deadly for motorcyclists. Riders can either be thrown from their bike or slammed into the vehicle with the combined force of both vehicles’ speed.
Left Turning Car
Of the 2,495 fatal motorcycle accidents in 2019, 41% of them occurred when a vehicle was making a left turn across the path of an oncoming motorcycle. These accidents are all too common. Motorcycles are much smaller than most cars, making them hard to spot in certain conditions.
Switching Lanes
The smaller size of a motorcycle also makes it harder to spot in a vehicle’s blind spot. Vehicles attempting to switch lanes cause the third most common type of motorcycle accident. Motorcycle riders are encouraged to be aware and move clear of vehicles’ blindspots.
Lane Splitting
Illegal in Florida, lane splitting is when a motorcyclist maneuvers between lanes to get around slow traffic. This was made illegal because it is so dangerous.
Motorcyclists can avoid many of these scenarios by staying aware of other vehicles, staying to the right of the road, and reducing their speed as needed to give themselves plenty of space.
If you or someone you know has been injured or died in a motorcycle accident, you need the injury lawyers at Casas Law located in West Palm Beach. Get your free case consultation today and find out what your options are for receiving compensation.