Should I Get a Slip and Fall Lawyer?
If you have been injured in a slip and fall accident, you should get a liability lawyer to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. Filing a liability claim can be tricky and if you ask for compensation from the wrong person, your claim will likely be denied. Read on to find out why you need to contact a liability lawyer.
Who Is To Blame?
If your injury occurred on the private property of another person, the property owner may or may not be liable for compensation to the injured party. If the accident could have been avoided, the injured party may not receive compensation. If another person who was present was careless or negligent, you may have a personal liability claim that seeks compensation from the person responsible.
If the slip and fall accident happened due to hazardous conditions that the property owner knew about but did not fix or warn guests of, the property owner may be liable for injuries sustained. If guests are notified and signs are displayed, the property owner’s liability is reduced. The property owner owes a duty of reasonable care to guests but notifying guests of dangerous conditions may mitigate the owner’s liability to some degree.
Insurance Claims
If a property owner is at fault, the injured party’s claim may be paid by the property owner’s insurance, by the property owner, or by both.
A liability claims lawyer can help you determine if there is a policy that may cover the accident and if there is, the lawyer will file a claim on your behalf and negotiate the terms of your settlement. If there is no insurance coverage and the responsible party is unable to pay for the damages, the injured party may receive a judgment against the party at fault.
If you need a liability lawyer in the West Palm Beach, Florida area, contact Casas Law today. They will answer your liability questions and you can fill out a free case consultation form to see how they can help you win your claim.