What are Common Injuries That Result From Slip and Falls?
When a slip and fall accident occurs, the resulting injuries can range from very minor to life-threatening. Some of the resulting injuries may not be immediately noticeable, so it is important to promptly gather all of the information you may need to file a claim. Then, if signs of injuries arise later, you can inform the liable party. Here are some of the most common injuries sustained as the result of a slip and fall accident.
Cuts and Bruises
These injuries are generally mild but can be more severe. Cuts should be evaluated to determine if the bleeding is too heavy or if it is very deep and in need of stitches. Bruising is usually not dangerous, but depending on the location and the amount of impact, you may suffer stiffness and soreness for several days.
Soft Tissue Injuries
These injuries cannot be seen and are often undetected until the initial shock of the fall wears off. These injuries can be due to sprains or tears in the muscles or ligaments. These injuries can be quite painful, limiting the injured person’s range of motion and causing stiffness or swelling.
Broken Bones
Some of the most common broken bones include the hip, wrist, knee, or ankle. Because broken bones often cannot be seen, they may go unattended until the pain prompts the injured party to seek treatment. Broken bones can be quite limiting and often result in extended time off of work.
Head Injuries
Head injuries are another type of injury that may go untreated until much later, when behavior changes are noted or when the pain becomes an issue. Head injuries resulting in swelling or bleeding should be treated immediately. This type of injury can range from a bump on the head to loss of consciousness and possibly coma.
Spinal Cord Injuries
When discs in the spinal cord become compressed or herniated, the injury is usually extremely painful. At times, spinal cord injuries can be life-threatening. Surgery may be necessary to repair the injury and prevent further damage.
If you have suffered a slip and fall accident, it is important to take it easy and give your body time to recover. Until you are certain that you have not suffered injuries that may not be immediately noticeable, don’t overdo it. If you have questions related to a slip and fall accident, contact Casas Law in West Palm Beach, Florida. They have the answers to all of your liability questions or you can fill out a form for a free case consultation.