Slip and Fall/Premises Liability

What are Common Injuries That Result From Slip and Falls?
November 20, 2021
When a slip and fall accident occurs, the resulting injuries can range from very minor to life-threatening. Some of the resulting injuries may not be immediately noticeable, so it is important to promptly gather all of the information you may need to file a claim. Then, if signs of injuries arise later, you can inform the liable...

What Causes Slip and Fall Accidents?
November 15, 2021
Slip and fall accidents, or trip and fall accidents, can happen as the result of the negligence of others, the injured party or both. When these accidents occur due to someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Here are some of the most common causes of slip and fall accident injuries.

What is the Difference Between Premise Liability and Personal Liability?
November 08, 2021
The terms premise liability and personal liability sound similar and the terms are often used interchangeably though they are different claims. Both claims seek compensation from the responsible party when someone is injured. Correctly identifying the responsible party is crucial to making a claim in order to receive compensation for injuries.
If you or a loved...

Does My Premise Liability Claim Meet the Requirements?
November 01, 2021
When an injury accident occurs on someone else’s property, the property owner may owe the injured party compensation. The claim for compensation is called a premises liability claim, as with any legal claim, there are requirements that must be met to establish the claim. This article will discuss what the requirements are so that you can determine...

What are the Elements that Need to be Met for a Premise Liability Lawsuit?
October 25, 2021
If you own property in Florida, whether commercial or residential, you should know the elements of premises liability law. If someone gets injured on your property, what are the factors that they must prove for you to be held liable for their injuries?
A property owner found to be negligent in a premises...

What is Premise Liability and Negligence Surrounding It?
October 20, 2021
If someone has sustained an injury on your property, whether commercial or residential, they may be able to receive compensation for their injuries. First, you must know the factors that determine premises liability. The property owner is not automatically liable when an injury occurs, unsafe conditions do not always equal negligence, and the laws surrounding premises liability...

Why You Need a Premise Liability Lawyer
October 16, 2021
If you own property and a guest is injured while visiting your property, you could be held liable for compensating them. Not only for medical bills, but for lost wages, pain, and suffering. Protecting yourself and your property requires regular maintenance of your property to identify and remove unsafe conditions and to ensure your guests are not...

Types of Premise Liability Every Florida Property Owner Should Know
October 01, 2021
Property owners have a legal obligation to invited guests, to take reasonable care to ensure their safety. If a property owner is negligent in their actions to resolve unsafe conditions, or if they fail to act to resolve unsafe conditions, they may be liable if a guest is injured due to those unsafe conditions.
This type...

How Many Slip and Fall Cases Go to Trial?
January 15, 2021
Slip and fall accidents can affect your health in more ways than you might realize. The consequences of a fall can vary from soreness and bruising to broken bones, head injuries, or even death. And once you’ve fallen, your chance of falling again doubles! Falls happen fairly frequently too, with more than three million people seeking treatment...