4 Injuries That Are Common After A Motorcycle Accident
When you are in an accident it is important to get medical attention even if you do not feel like you need it because an accident will send your body into shock. You may feel fine until hours or even days later. Motorcycle riders are at especially high risk for suffering injuries, severe, potentially even fatal injuries. Keep reading to learn more about injuries commonly suffered in a motorcycle accident.
4. Broken Ribs or Internal Bleeding
Motorcycle riders have no barrier between themselves and the road like someone in an automobile. Either or both of these injuries could occur if the rider is thrown off of their bike. Both are hard to determine when in shock and may cause serious complications from going untreated.
3. Road Rash
Another injury is the result of no safety belts and no barriers. Sliding across the pavement after being thrown from your motorcycle is nothing like a playground road rash. The force that propels you across the asphalt makes it really dig in, taking layers and layers of skin as you slide.
2. Extremities
Broken arms or legs are common because of the force as well. Wearing protective clothing like leather jackets, gloves, and leg protectors offers some amount of protection, but not much.
1. Head or Neck Injuries
These injuries include hemorrhaging, head and brain trauma, brain swelling, or a coma. Helmets greatly reduce the risk of suffering skull fractures, concussions, and all other head and neck injuries.
Motorcycle accidents result in death much more often than automobile accidents. If you ride a motorcycle take the proper precautions by suiting up in the right gear and a helmet. You may not be able to prevent all accidents but you can protect yourself just in case.
If you or your loved one or family member suffered severe injuries in a motorcycle accident due to a negligent driver, contact Casas Law. Located in West Palm Beach, we have experience investigating and proving driver negligence so that you can get the full compensation that you are entitled to.