3 Types Of Collisions Involving Motorcycles In Florida
With motorcycle accident fatalities at a reported record high in Florida, it is crucial for drivers and motorcycle riders to be informed about the common types of collisions involving motorcycles. Knowing how these accidents occur and how they can best be avoided encourages drivers and riders to be proactive and potentially prevent future collisions.
1. Making a Right/Left Turn
The most common type of two-vehicle motorcycle collision, some studies show that these collisions account for up to 45% of motorcycle accidents. These collisions often occur when a vehicle or a motorcycle is making a turn at an intersection and the other vehicle or motorcycle blows through a stoplight or sign.
Prevention Tip
Always obey traffic signs, signals, and laws. It is also important to always be extra cautious when entering an intersection and crossing oncoming traffic.
2. Sideswiped While Changing Lanes
Drivers who get in a hurry and fail to properly check all mirrors and blind spots are usually the cause of these collisions. While very common and dangerous, these collisions are also highly avoidable.
Prevention Tip
When changing lanes always be sure to check your mirrors and blind spots. Motorcycle riders should be sure to watch for signs that a vehicle is going to change lanes and they are encouraged to try to avoid riding in another vehicle’s blind spot.
3. Lane Splitting
When motorcycle riders split lanes attempting to weave through traffic it can have serious consequences. Lane splitting can cause one of the accident types already mentioned or it can result in a head-on collision.
Prevention Tip
Lane splitting is illegal in Florida and should not be attempted in any conditions.
If you have suffered an injury or the loss of a loved one due to a motorcycle accident you may be entitled to receive compensation. Contact Casas Law in West Palm Beach for a free consultation. We can answer your questions or discuss your options for compensation.